Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Well, I am finally writing another post. November was a busy month.
We had visits from family and friends and we made the extremely long trek to visit my northern grandparents.

Our younger daughter turned one in October and my parents came the first weekend in November to see our girls and celebrate that first birthday. We had cupcakes and took lots of pictures. We had such a nice visit and it was a balm to my wounded heart after the loss of our unborn little one.

The next weekend we were blessed to have close friends come to visit us. Their little ones played with our little ones and we grown-ups were able to visit and even get in a couple of our favorite games after the kid's bedtimes. God was so good to send friends to our home when we needed the encouragement and love that only they could offer.

We had one weekend at home before we packed up and took a long trip north. We traveled through Arkansas where we stayed one night with my sister and her family on the way up and for the return trip. Our girls had the best time playing with their cousins.

In Michigan, we had very cold weather, a little covering of snow, great chats with my grandparents, ice cream from the best ice cream parlour in the world and a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.

On the way home we visited with college friend of Joe's and enjoyed getting to know his family.

Our life is filled with many blessings for which to be thankful.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

No Heartbeat

This week, I had an ultrasound and saw our little one. This little one that should have been developing for about ten weeks was only as developed as a baby at 6 weeks gestation and had no heartbeat. Joe and I have decided to name the baby Isabella Hope. Isabella means consecrated to God because all we can do is give her back to Him. I go in on Monday to have a D&C. Please pray for us through this time. Please pray for reminders of God's faithfulness and love. Please pray for wisdom on how to tell our daughters about their little sister.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Great Time in the Tent

This week for our preschool we have been reading about how Abraham followed God's leading and left his home to travel to a new place. He lived the rest of his life in a tent. To an adult, constant travel and life in a tent doesn't sound all that appealing. To my three year old, a tent is the coolest thing ever. For the last 2-3 months as soon as E thinks about playing the first words out of her mouth are: "You want to play with me in a tent?". It seems like we have used almost every blanket/sheet in the house to play "tent".

We set up the real tent outside on Monday and spent most of the afternoon playing on the air mattress. We had two excited children. Both our girls had a blast. This idea that came from God's Little Explorers was a HUGE success. The whole family had a great time. It isn't all that often that I set aside my agenda and just play what my little girls want to play.  I was reminded today that "Interruptions" could be divine opportunities. I want to strive to let my little "interruptions" grab my attention and use these special times to invest in the lives of my children instead of getting caught up in my list of things that I want or need to accomplish. We had so much fun and I highly recommend putting other things aside for awhile and playing and playing and playing.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sisterchicks Do the Hula is a fun and encouraging book

Robin Jones Gunn was a favorite author of mine as a teenager, but it has been many years since I read one of her books. I recently read Sisterchicks Do the Hula and was reminded why I love her books.

Sisterchicks Do the Hula - Robin Jones Gunn
I really enjoyed this book with its focus on friendship and how we all need at least one friend that knows us inside and out. Hope and Laurie became friends in college, but lost touch after graduation. God orchestrates a renewal of their friendship. Now they are fast approaching their fortieth birthdays and decide to take the trip to Hawaii that they had planned in their twenties.
This book emphasizes the blessings of godly friendship. The need for a friend who encourages and holds accountable. If you haven't read on of the Sisterchick books. I strongly encourage it.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Half-marathon training delayed indefinitely

I was up to running 2 miles and was ready to start on three mile runs when my husband and I discovered that we are expecting our third child. Surprise! So for many months to come, running is out. Instead, I will have frequent trips to the bathroom and the doctor's office.

When we made our discovery, I was once again reminded that: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

I am very thankful that God doesn't just work around our plans, but changes them for His purposes.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Preschool week 2 & 3

I meant to write this last week, but better late than never. E is really enjoying her God's Little Explorers preschool. Last week we studied how God created everything and made a fun creation book. Because we weren't completely well at the beginning of the week and had a well child check-up at the end of the week, we didn't spend as much time on the extras. Our letter of the week was "g".

This week we are having lots of fun with letter "a" and apple activities. We had an apple taste test and Red Delicious is E's favorite apple. She really enjoyed using half of an apple for apple printing. We used red, green, and yellow paint for these and cut them out when they were dry. we have used these to practice patterns. Our Bible story this week has been about Adam and Eve and how they disobeyed God and had to leave His good garden.

Our apple taste test and some of our printed apples.

This is the apple tree we made this week.

We are really enjoying our preschool and it has given E some structured activities. I love that each week is centered around the Bible story and that the stories are being taught in chronological order.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fevers and Fussing

Have you ever noticed that when a child doesn't feel well, that your whole life zeroes in on that little one and their needs?
Both of my girls have had a fever yesterday and today and have fussed a lot more than usual. E (our older daughter) has watched more Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood today than I ever planned on having her watching in a week. A (our 10 month old) wanted held almost constantly. When the acetaminophen or Advil kicked in and brought their fevers down, they both perked up and played a little while.

Another thing that I have noticed is that when they aren't feeling great, Mommy is the medicine they want most (preferably, standing Mommy). When we just had one this was fairly manageable, but lately I have noticed that each one of the girls wants Mommy all to herself. If the other sister is being held, sibling rivalry escalates quickly. I can't even begin to understand what parents go through when their child is in the hospital for weeks or months on end. This has been a day that reminds me to thank God that we have only had to deal with minor illnesses and not anything long-term.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I am not a runner. My husband is the runner of the family. Joe has run many races including a half-marathon and a marathon. I am very proud of my husband and so blessed to be his wife. He has long desired for me to run with him on a regular basis. Through our almost 10 years of marriage that hasn't happened too often. Recently, I agreed to train with him for a 1/2 marathon. The 1/2 marathon that we are planning to run is in a neighboring town in December. I have a little less than 4 months to prepare. I think I might be a little insane for trying this, but I have started the training. Today, we ran 2 miles for the second time (Saturday was the first). UHG! It wasn't any easier today than on Saturday. In some ways it was harder.

Why am I training for a 1/2 marathon?
  • I love my husband and he wants me to run with him.
  • It gives us something to work toward together. I believe common goals strengthen relationships.
  • I need to participate in some kind of regular exercise and I already have all the equipment I need. I have a good pair of running shoes, God has given me a healthy body, and a running partner.
Will this be an easy goal to reach? NO, but I believe it will be worth it.

What kind of goal have you recently set for yourself?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of Preschool

Today, my three year old E had her first day of preschool. We are homeschooling and are using "God’s Little Explorers" by Stacie Nelson. It was a very exciting morning. She started her morning with a treasure hunt around the house to find the supplies we will be using this year. She used some homemade binoculars to spot the treasures. Each was marked with an X.

She then decorated her treasure box. We will use this to store her special papers and projects for the year.
With the way today went, I believe that E will love her year of preschool and will learn so many new and wonderful things.